Monday, October 29, 2007


i was at blockbuster last night with sarah and i came across a new release movie called "transmorphers." i don't know anything about the plot, but the reason i noticed it was because the cover looked strikingly similar to the new "transformers" cover, which it was right next to on the shelf.

although it's a little darker, the "transmorphers" cover mimics the blue-orange-white-orange-black gradient found on the "transformers" cover. it also reminded me of an interesting article i read this summer called "dark and fleshy: the color of top grossing movies."

just thought i'd share my recent observations.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

business as usual.

well, i now find myself in the last half of my last semester as a college student. i know, it's hard to believe. but just like any other semester, the last two months are stock full of projects, not to mention prep for the senior show. but it'll all turn out well.

yeah, this post isn't much. my primary purpose is to let my few readers now that i'm currently in the process of creating the website for the tcu graphic design senior show. more to come on that in the next week or so. until then, ciao.

ps, my secondary purpose for this post is that i write a blog entry on my wii. come by some time and we can play mario soccer.

Monday, October 08, 2007

it's here! it's here!

after 30 days and 4 phone calls to, i finally received the newest creative suite in the mail.

right now i'm uploading it on my ibook while i watch blue planet on animal planet in my living room. what a good day.